Dan's Film Reviews

A temporary holding area for reviews soon to be hosted on Video Free Brooklyn's Site.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Starting out in the Evening

The quartet of fine actors couldn't rescue this talkathon from its overwritten dialogue & lack of dramatic weight.  An underrated novelist in his twilight, an adoring grad student, a daughter looking to start a family, all are given short-shrift.  A wasted opportunity.

The viral hype machine did its work and I was lured into the Blair Monster Project hook, lilne & sinker.  30 minutes in, the shaky-cam gimmick (it's ostensibly shot by a character w/ a handheld camera), I got too nauseous to sit & had to leave.  By then, I'd only seen a few shots of NYC destruction (already glimpsed in the trailers) and nothing impressed as yet.  Preferring not to throw up, I decided to sit this one out and maybe attempt it again w/ a dramamine (which got me through a couple of the Bourne films).